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Colors and numbers, structures and time and movement and vibration and energy and sound and touch - all the ways that humans experience the world around them - is the experience I have with music.
Music has allowed me to forgive.
Music has encouraged me to accept.
Music is a promise I kept
Music is a self-reflection.
Music is all I have left.
Music is progression.
Music is a recollection.
Music is a confession.
Music is aggression.
Music is oppression.
Music is the great life lesson.
Music is incandescent.
Music is the pure expression.
Music is endured depression.
Music is cowboy boots & stetsons.
Music is the howling west wind.
Music is a newfound direction.
Music is sound perception.
Music is my obsession
beyond the bottomless bombardment/benevolent barrage of beats, Jacobthewilliam is perhaps better known around the planet for his progressive, promising portrait of a singer/songwriter of the folk prominence, predominantly through his profound performances. This is where you can hear for yourself his solo artistic endeavors and exquisite multi-instrumental expressions
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