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I have been writing since high-school. I know my music is different, but it's my escape. I only started recording 7 years ago on an app called RapFame (AKA Batttleme) just goofing off and doing rap battles there. I took a break until the pandemic hit and started recording again on Bandlab's app. Along with uploading my self taught mixed tracks. On my path of creating music and learning. I have come to better understand myself and realize my growth. I also was led to spirituality through this path. Which I am not complaining about. I plan to continue changing and growing as my music does. So that I am at a better understanding of what I can do and how to apply it to my music. If you check out my music in your personal time, I appreciate you. I hope that we all can come to an understanding that we are meant for much more. Just be yourself and be lovingly creative. Much Love to everybody. Be positive and learn from the negatives. <3
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